To be read and signed by the camper’s parent or guardian:
I have discussed the camp code with my child, and they understand it. I give my permission to let my child attend camp. I give permission to the nurse/med tech at Fusion Camp to administer the medications listed above to my child. I give my permission for camp pictures or video of my child to be used in camp publications and promotional activities. In case of an emergency, I give my permission for my child to receive medical attention as necessary. I understand that in case of such an event, I will be contacted as soon as possible. I understand my child will be at camp with students and workers from other youth groups. I am aware of the existence of the risk on my child’s attendance to Fusion Camp and my child’s participation to the activities of Fusion Camp that may cause injury or illness such as, but not limited to Influenza, MRSA, or COVID-19. I waive and release Fusion Street Ministries and Camp Penuel from any and all claims, demands, injuries, cost, suits or causes of action, past, present, or future, arising out of or caused by myself or my child while participating in this camp, or should there be an injury traveling to or from camp. I verify the above information is correct.